Tuesday 10 September 2013

Photography Day 1

On the first day of photography I went down to the train station Newton to Hyde and took a couple of pictures.  I didn't take that many because I didn't know all of the settings and modes for the camera.  So really I was just testing out a few of the different modes that the camera had available.  

I had the camera on auto focus but I was trying to focus them myself which was difficult to do.

This picture of berries was used on the Macro (Close Up) setting.  It is used to focus mainly on one objects this object being the berries and it should focus everything else out.  You can see the the bottom of the berries is a bit out of focus.

This set of stairs was in darkness so I put the Night Portrait so that it would be a light seen after the picture was taken.

This photo of a dandelion, I used Macro (Close Up) again.  The focus is mainly on the dandelion and the background has properly blurred out like it should unlike the berries picture.  The only problem is the leaf coming across it.

This photo of Adam and Callum I used the setting Portrait.  The portrait setting brings out more off the skin tone and recognises faces.  If they were facing the camera if would of been a better photo.

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