Tuesday 8 October 2013

Health & Safety For Photography

There is so many sort of health and safety precautions that you have to think about when proceeding with photography.  You have to think about if you are at a outside location or if you are in a studio, you have to think about photography permissions aswell.


The photographer should have public liability insurance from their current employer this covers you if you harm someone from the public or vice versa.

A photographer and his assistant should make sure they have motor vehicle insurance if they are going out for a job, but the insurance will only cover them for business use.

The photographer or assistant should carry out  a risk assessment especially in the areas that the photographer  wants to take pictures.

You should ensure that the location has sufficient fire precautions and have signs in place.

The photographer should share health and safety concerns with his assistant and and the location management if necessary.

All equipment must be tested professionally before going out for a job to ensure that they are fully working and that there will be no problems with them once they get to location.

All of the employees should be trained to use the equipment safely and properly.

Should take precautions to decrease any problems that have been identified relating to safety on the job and to other employees or pedestrians at the location.

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