Herb Ritts born in Los Angeles, Calfornian on Auguest 13th 1952. Ritts first started off working in the family furniture buisness, until he moved to the east coast to study at Bard College in New York where he earned his major in economics and art history. It wasn't until he moved back to Los Angeles that he became interestd in photography where he and his friend Richard Gere who at the time wasn't aswell known as an actors as he is today, decided to take some photographs in front of an old jacked up Buick. The photographs gained Ritts some coverage and he begin to think more seriously about getting into the photography business. He photographed Brook Sheilds for the cover of October 12th 1981 cover of Elle, he then also photographed Olivia Newton John for her physical album in 1981. Five years later he used the same pose for Madonna and her True Blue release in 1986. Over the years he worked for several magazine and Fashion designers icluding Esquire, GQ, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, Giorgio Armani, Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, Levi's plus many more. He took many photos of celebrites over the years including the likes of Cindy Crawford, Michael Jordan, Ronald Reagan, Tina Turner, Michael Jackson, Stephen Hawking plus many more.

This image of Michael Jordan is Ritts style of photography he loves to use black and white images and black and white images for portrait look better than they do in colour, they stand out more because they are different. The facial expression he has is a kind of seriousness and because he is holding the basketball in his hands that he is serious about the game of basketball and that the loves the game, it could also be taken that he is being smug because he is known as the best basketball player in the world. Because it's black and white you can't really tell about the lighting but you can see a little bit of light on the middle of his face because in the middle of his face its lighter than either side and you can see a little bit of light behind his back through through the arches of his arms because of the way he is holding the ball. The way the photo is taken Ritts must be quite close to the subject, there is no head space and the image seems to be quite full apart from above his shoulders they could of taken the picture on a basketball court filling the picture in and making look like he is in his natural surrounding.

This image of Michael Jordan is Ritts style of photography he loves to use black and white images and black and white images for portrait look better than they do in colour, they stand out more because they are different. The facial expression he has is a kind of seriousness and because he is holding the basketball in his hands that he is serious about the game of basketball and that the loves the game, it could also be taken that he is being smug because he is known as the best basketball player in the world. Because it's black and white you can't really tell about the lighting but you can see a little bit of light on the middle of his face because in the middle of his face its lighter than either side and you can see a little bit of light behind his back through through the arches of his arms because of the way he is holding the ball. The way the photo is taken Ritts must be quite close to the subject, there is no head space and the image seems to be quite full apart from above his shoulders they could of taken the picture on a basketball court filling the picture in and making look like he is in his natural surrounding.
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