Wednesday 25 June 2014

Arnold Newman (Documentary)

Arnold Newman born in Manattan, New York on March 13 1918.  Arnold Newman is well known for his environmental portraits of artists and politicians, also know for his carefully composed abstract still life images.  He found his vision in the empathy he felt for artists and their work, he photographed many personalities including John.F Kennedy, Harry S Truman, Pablo Picasso, Ronald Reagan and Audrey Hepburn.  Newman is credited with being the first photographer to use so called environmental portrait, in which the photographer places the subject in a carefully controlled setting to capture the essence of the individuals life and work.  Newman used the subjects in familiar surrounding so artists in a recording studio or stage or politician in their office or representative  building.  Newman didn't often use colour, his main style was black and white.  His best know colour image was of former Nazi slave labor boss Alfied Krupp in one of Krupp's factories.  In 1946 when he moved back to New York City he opened Arnold Newman Studios and worked freelance photography for Fortune, Life and, Newsweek. 

This is a picture that Arnold Newman took of Ronal Reagan when he was President of the United States of America.  Right from the off you can tell that this is an Arnold Newman because of the background he is using because he likes to take pictures of people whilst in there profession and this is Ronald Reagan in the White House where he will have spent a lot of his time whilst he was president.  The facial expression Reagan is using look kind of smug like he is one of very few people who have had the privilege of working in that room also he looks proud to be in power of the country.  The lighting in this room is relatively bright and if think that when you think of the White House that you think that inside it should always look bright and clean which in this picture is does because it is considered as a great place and it is highly recognised across the globe so it needs to like presentable.  I think that Newman is stood a bit of a distance away from Reagan because you can see that there is a lot of headroom but that is because he wanted a wide shot so that he can get the majority of the room in shot so you know where he is.  Reagan is dressed very smartly and people expect him to because he is president but the picture would look good as well in something less casual because behind close doors I don't think he will wear a suit all the time because it can be uncomfortable so the image would of looked good if they had casual clothes on to see how the president dresses on his down time.   

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