Wednesday 2 July 2014

Street Life Evaluation

My next exhibit is my Street Life which I think is my best exhibit out of the 3 that I did.  Some people may call in documentary but I gave it another name so that I stood out more and that because it is the street life of Manchester City Centre and no matter what you will see people like this no matter what city you are in because it's just the way life is and people are trying to earn money for there families.  For each image that I chose there is something different to it.

This is the first image I chose for my Street Life exhibit, I chose this image because who ever is under that suit isn't doing it for themselves he is doing it to raise money for charity no matter how hot it maybe in that suit he is doing it for others in need of the money.  I like how the fact you can see the shadow of Pudsey the Bear on the wall and even though the everything around him is in black and white you still know that it is a sunny day, you can see a bank just behind and it makes the image stand out because you know that he is in a populated area because banks are in populated areas so people can get money and then maybe he could raise more money for charity if he is in a populated area.  Once I got a back to editing the image the image was slanted so by rotating it, it made it straight and then by scaling in it made it bigger.  With all these Street Life images I decided that I wanted all the backgrounds black and white and then I wanted the main focus in colour so that they stood out more.  If I could go back to taking this image to make it better I think capturing somebody putting money into the collection I think that it would get the message across a lot more that helping others is important.

Here is the 2nd picture that I used and it is an image of a man working for the MEN (Manchester Evening News) this may not be the best job in the world for this man, but these days it is very hard to find a job, so he probably did his best and found this to earn some money.  What I like about this image is how he is stood there with a newspaper and he looks like he is looking directly into the camera.  Also I like how I managed to capture other people into the image because otherwise if it was him on his own and nobody walking past it would look like the image was set up which I didn't want it to look like that.  There are lots of shadows in the image coming off the people and then coming of the newspaper stand showing that it was a sunny day and sun shows many emotions that it could be a happy day.  I tried my best to use the rule of thirds for all the images as best as I could so that there was something in each third and for this one you have the man selling the papers in the middle then on the left you have the women walking past and then on the right you have the newspaper stand.  If I was to come back to this image I would sure there was a little less head space and zoom in a little more to capture the facial expression of the main focus.

This is my 3rd & 4th picture from my exhibit and they are both very similar and they are what you call buskers, they guy from from the top is performing the saxophone and the guy below is dressed up as Predator, they are both trying to earn money for themselves because maybe the are unemployed and can't find a secure job so they find there own ways of making money.  I like how they are both are outside of shops so that they are easily noticed by customers and the customers then

might give them some change.  I wanted the message from these two images to come across as how life isn't so easy for some people and that you shouldn't take things that you have in life for granted because these people may not have that much in life.  You can now tell that it is later in the day or there was a quick change in weather because there are now no shadows unlike the previous images.  Both images were edited so that they were straight as possible and using the rule of thirds.  If I was to go back to taking these pictures I would do 2 things on the top one picture I would zoom in more on him playing the sax and eliminate some of the head space and then for both of them I would of liked to capture and pedestrian giving them some money showing people that giving them some change isn't a bad thing and it could eventually end up helping these people out. 

This is my 5th and final image that I used on my Street Life exhibit and from all the other images this one differs because this guy look like he is doing well for himself it looks like this is his own business and he picked a good spot to place it in the middle of Manchester because it is always busy and people may not won't to pay food court prices.  What I like in this picture is how people are actually buying food from there and this is what I wanted to do with all of the images is somebody to contribute and I got that with this picture.  The owner even has a charity bucket on his stall and what he probably does if some lets him keep the change he will put it in the charity bucket and this is what life should be like not keeping everything for yourself and helping out others.  The facial expression of the owner is that he looks really happy and that maybe because he enjoys what he is doing or he might be having a good conversation with the customers.  I was quite for away for this image but I zoomed in and managed to capture a lot.  This image was really slanted when I came to editing it so I had to do a lot of rotating so make it straight and look presentable.  This is the only image that I wouldn't want to change anything because I thing it is a really good photo. 

After completing these image I was highly satisfied with what I produced and couldn't be happier with this exhibit.  Because it had a lot meaning behind it and it also told a little story this is why it was my best exhibit out of the 3.    

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