Wednesday 2 July 2014

Architecture Evalauation

I really enjoyed taking photos of the architecture around Manchester because there are so many different types of buildings but I chose to mainly focus on the newer looking buildings and then did the odd older looking building to compare how they differ over the years.  I ended up selecting 3 images to exhibit and I am going to evaluate all 3 of them.

This is the first picture that I decided to put on my exhibit, I really like this image just because it is an unusual looking building and you don't see a building like this every single day.  This building was directly in the view of the sun so you can see a lot of reflections coming off the building because of the sun which makes the building look a lot better because if it was a dull day the building would look ugly.  There are no clouds in shot when I took this picture which makes the building more of the main focus because there is nothing else you can see.  When I went back I then edited this picture and originally it was a bit slanted so I used the rule of thirds and then I rotated the image until it look as straight as possible.  To improve this image I would eliminate some more of the sky so that then there would be more detail in the building.  Also if I was to get a worm's eye view of the building I think it would look really good.

The next image I selected was this image of a church and as you can see there is a building behind it which is more of a newer build and I like how that the church makes the building behind look really scruffy and it makes  it look like a poor piece of architecture, it goes to show that old building today still look nice just because they are a piece of history.  Also you can see the tree in front of both of the buildings I could of easily of picked another picture without the tree in it but I liked this picture more because you can see a bit of the natural surrounding because no matter where you go there will be nature around architecture.  You can see that its a clear day but even if it wasn't a clear day and it was dull the image would still look good because the colouring of the church is dull and it would match.  Using the rule of thirds again once I edited it to make sure that the image looked perfect, with this image to I added an effect to it and it was a grain effect you can only really see the grain effect when you look at the sky.  If I was to improve this image I would go back and I would like to get more of the church in the image to make it look like the church is the more dominant of the two building that you can see.

This was the 3rd and final image that I added to my architecture exhibit and I went back to the view of a newer looking building and like the first image the majority of the building is made from glass.  You see a lot of newer looking building made from glass obviously it's not just glass it will need metal to support it but a lot of the metal will be hidden.  This building is of a store and it is a well known store and if the building looks unusual then people tend to remember it more because it stands out.  There are two other building next to the main focus and it looks like the 2 other building are holding up the main focus.  Again it is a clear sunny day and because it is sunny and the building is made from glass you can see reflections you can see on the left side the sun  is shinning off it and then it you look closely you can see some of the building structure on the inside on the glass.  If I was to come back and do this image again I would eliminate the clouds but I would keep a lot of the sky in it because it stands out more than it does in the first image because it is a slimmer building.  I went up close to the building and got a worms eye view of it, it would look good because it is a rounded building and it would look unusual and look like something you haven't seen before and when doing photography you want unusual because it you just take pictures of bog standard things it would look boring and people wouldn't look at them the same.

After I had exhibited my architecture I was happy with the 3 images I selected and I think they were the best 3 that I took and couldn't be any prouder of my work I put in 100% and the only things that would make them better is the improvements that I mentioned above.    

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