Wednesday 21 May 2014

Photography Proposal (Architecture)

Photography Proposal



The purpose of this architecture photos will be to take a look at some old and new buildings in Manchester city center.  They will then be edited and put into an exhibit for anyone to see around the college.


I want the audience to vary in ages because the older audience will know the older buildings but I also want the younger audience to see how old some of the buildings are and that the building means something to some people.


The content will include images of some old buildings which are listed and then some of the newer buildings in Manchester.  The concept of this is so that some of how the older buildings are still around and that they will be still around for years to come, but then also to have a look at some of the newer buildings that have been built in Manchester and to compare there looks and see how looks have changed over the years.


The location of this shoot will be in Manchester city center and to look how the buildings have changed in the Manchester area and it is an easy place to get too and I know the area well.  I will have to take an SLR camera to the location with me.


I will be using A1 mountain card and I will put 3 pictures on the card at a size of A1.  If I look some more pictures that I have taken I can always change the amount I want to put on the card but then the pictures will have to be printed at a smaller size so that they will fit on.  I will take a lot of pictures so that I have a lot to pick from and that I'm not struggling to choose a picture.

Usage Rights

You don't need permission to take pictures of buildings they only problem you will have is if somebody is in the picture then you would have to ask their permission if you was to use that exact picture.  But then again you can always take another picture of the same building without somebody in it.


To hire out an SLR it would cost £40 per day but if you wanted it for the weekend it would cost you £60.  To get to Manchester it would cost me £4 to get there on the bus.

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