Wednesday 21 May 2014

Photography Proposal (Street Life)

Photography Proposal

Street Life


The purpose is to be pictures of people working around Manchester, which is for the photography unit and then the pictures I select will get edited and then be put into and exhibition for people around college to see and parents can come in and see them as well.


I want the intended audience for this type of Photography to be aimed at young people aged from 13-21.  The reason for this is because I want to take pictures of people whop work on the streets like buskers.  Kids at these ages sometimes laugh and take the mick out of people for doing this but sometimes people busk for a reason.


The content of this shoot will include people who work on the streets of Manchester city center varying from different roles from selling fruit and veg to people showing there talent.  The reason for doing this specific shoot is because how people view people that have jobs like this and I want to show people that these people working on the streets are doing there best to bring an income to their families and do the best they can for them, I also I want to show that life isn't as easy as it looks and people just do they best they can until something better comes along and you get the opportunity of a lifetime for example Ed Sheeran was a busker that's how he started off and it only took one person to notice him in the streets and now he turned out to be a global star.


The location of this shoot will be done around Manchester City Center the reason for this being because there are quite a few people working around Manchester trying to make a living.  As well this will be an easy location for me to get too.  I will have to hire an SLR camera to take to the location.


The picture will be placed on A1 mountain card and I will put 3 to 5 of the best pictures I have taken.  The size of the pictures will depend on how many pictures I decide to put on the card if only 3 pictures go on I could do them at A4 size but if I put 5 on i will have to go smaller and do them at A5.  I will want to get the perfect picture and in doing so I will have to take a lot of photos so that I can have  a few to pick from.

Usage Rights

Because I will be taking pictures of people I will have to make sure that they are okay for me to take pictures of them.  If I tell them the reasons of me doing this and tell them what it is for I should be okay.  If they say no them it won't be a problem I can just  move on to the next person.


To hire out an SLR camera it would cost £40 for a day or £60 for a weekend.  To the bus to Manchester it will cost £4.

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